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Have life changes affected your metabolism?

I help women who have tried everything lose weight and beat fatigue.  You can wear all those clothes in your closet and eat real food!

As of 5/12/24 Deb is no longer taking new clients for yoga or nutrition.  Deb is available for functional nutrition at

Wooden Kitchen Utensils

As a licensed dietitian and integrative nutritionist, I aim to create a life balance that prioritizes your well-being and celebrates all aspects of your true self. I’ve helped hundreds of clients find their optimal wellness through developing a deeper understanding of their habits and lifestyle choices. It’s time to start nurturing your body and soul again.

It is about helping you adopt a lifestyle that makes you feel energetic and good about yourself - not a short term plan, but a sustainable way of life that works for you. 

Do you not recognize your body any longer?

Want to lose a few pounds and eat healthy food?

Are you ready to end the dieting and focus on health?



There is so much misleading information and our lives are so busy it is hard to find the time to eat right.  I get it.  You have focused on everyone else and now your are ready to take care of YOU finally.  Trust me, I understand and have tons of strategies to help you.  I developed a Wellness Tracker that you can download now and get started balancing right away.  It will help you get all the healthy foods you need and set exercise and lifestyle goals.






"She is super supportive and keeps me motivated.  Her personalized plan for you works. Highly recommend her."

" I feel so much better! I have more energy, I am sleeping SOOOO much better and I am feeling more like myself and happy."

"I am so grateful to have connected with Deb Orosz for nutrition! I have always eaten healthy foods, but I learned that I really had no concept of how to balance my macronutrients"

You deserve the support you need to take care of you!

You get a custom food and lifestyle plan and then I work with you to adopt the changes in a way that makes sense for your life. 


Your first step is to book a quick discovery call with me. In this call, we will focus on you and I want to hear all about your health history, and your goals for the future. We can learn a little bit about each other and you will feel confident that we're a good fit.

During our call, we’ll be able to decide which services will be the best  for you and your goals. 

I can’t wait to get started!


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